What is Abasia and it's types | Astasia Abasia | urstewatia.com
What is Abasia
Want of Motor Coordination; Inability to walk; Motor incoordination in walking
Ex:- Abasia is a type of disorder in which a person is not able to walk.
Types of Abasia
- Ataxic Abasia
- Astasia- Abasia
- Choreic Abasia
- Paralytic Abasia
- Trembling Abasia
- Spastic Abasia
Ataxic Abasia
Inability to walk due to want of motor co-ordination; abasia due to ataxia of the legs
Ataxic-Abasia is when a patient's legs don’t have enough strength to keep balance or move their body.
Astasia Abasia
Loss of standing or walking power
Atasia-Abasia is when a patient's legs don’t have enough strength to stand as well as walk.
Choreic Abasia
Abasia due to chorea; abasia related to abnormal movements of the legs
Choreic-Abasia happens when a person is suffered from masturbation (limitless) after a long period.
Paralytic Abasia
Abasia due to paralysis of leg muscles; inability to walk due to paralysis of the legs
Paralytic-Abasia happens only when a person is suffered from paralysis disease.
Trembling Abasia
Abasia due to trembling of legs; disorder of coordination affecting the ability to walk.
Trembling-Abasia means trembling or vibrations of the legs. It is different from paralytic abasia.
Spastic Abasia
Abasia due to rigidity of legs; inability to walk due to stiffening of leg muscles
Spastic-Abasia means rigidity of leg muscles i.e. Leg muscles get tight when attempting to walk or stand.
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