20 Synonyms of Ameliorate: Expand your vocabulary

Meanings:- उन्नति, उन्नति करना, सुधार, बेहतर​

  1. Alleviate​
  2. Mitigate​
  3. Enhanced​
  4. Revised​
  5. Upgraded​
  6. Amended​
  7. Augmented​
  8. Corrected​
  9. Elaborated​
  10. Mended​
  11. Enriched​
  12. Modernized​
  13. Refined​
  14. Reformed​
  15. Rehabilitated​
  16. Remodeled​
  17. Renovated​
  18. Reorganized​
  19. ​Repaired​
  20. Improve​

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