26 Synonyms of Astonish: Expand your vocabulary

Meanings:- चकित, चौंकाना, अचम्भे में डालना​

  1. Amaze​
  2. Astound​
  3. Stun​
  4. Shock​
  5. Startle​
  6. Bewilder​
  7. Flabbergast​
  8. Dumbfound​
  9. Impress​
  10. Confound​
  11. Overwhelm​
  12. Stagger​
  13. Surprise​
  14. Electrify​
  15. Awe​
  16. Marvel​
  17. Daze​
  18. Jolt​
  19. Stupefy​
  20. Strike​
  21. Perplex​
  22. Bedazzle​
  23. Disconcert​
  24. Enthrall​
  25. Floor​
  26. Knock out​

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